Intro to Grant Writing Workshop


A complete framework to write and win grants! Increase your grant revenue and your confidence to win grants again and again.  


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Imagine six months from now...


You have implemented an efficient and successful grant program. And you just deposited a BIG check to carry out your mission that is near and dear to your heart.

You know your organization is fully "grant ready," and you've taken all the steps to get there.

Your ask is well-defined.

Your grant research is complete, and you only go after proposals that have a high likelihood of funding your organization.

Letters of inquiry are completed with ease.

You have already developed your evergreen grant language so completing grants is done in less than half the time than it used to.

All your grant attachments are compiled and ready to go.

Your budget is solid and tells a compelling story.

You know all the mistakes to avoid, and you even have a few tricks up your sleeve!

And you just got another email saying you are FUNDED!


Does grant writing seem like a puzzle that you can't seem to figure out? 


Or is it too cumbersome and confusing to even begin?


Plus your to-do list is never ending so it's easy to push grant writing aside - especially since you feel like you are throwing spaghetti at wall just to see what sticks.


It seems like other nonprofits are getting grant funding, and you are wondering if your organization is good enough. (News flash: it is!) 


Maybe you already have an annual giving campaign, a successful fundraiser or even individual donors that most nonprofits would envy. But there is something missing from your portfolio: grants! 


I'll coach you through the grant writing process.

I'm Lindsey Lebowitz, founder of Greater Good Funds, busy mom of two and fundraising nerd. I have nearly 20 years of experience raising funds for nonprofits, higher education and K-12 education. I've raised grant funding for large institutions and small to mid-sized nonprofits - even developing some programs from scratch. Over the years, I've earned millions of dollars in grant funding. It's not the dollars that make a difference - it's what organizations are able to do with the money that does.  My main goal is to help you achieve your fundraising goal so you can fulfill your mission. 


The Intro to Grant Writing Workshop


is on-demand with video instruction at your fingertips. Once you sign up, you will get an email with login instructions. You can expect videos, a step-by-step framework to follow, templates, a workbook and more - all to guide your work and give you a complete grant writing blueprint. This workshop also comes with personalize feedback inside our community and once a month group calls. 

Don't take it from me. Here's what past participants are saying:


The workshop was incredibly helpful. I feel much more confident in my approach and I'm optimistic about future success. Your practical tips and breakdown of the process have already made a significant difference. 


Highly recommend!


Great attachments and resources.


I feel a lot less nervous about grant writing now and more prepared after taking the course.


I am glad to know that I have this as a resource to fall back on when I need it!



What I learned from the course was how to think about grants-if that makes sense.  For example, I thought if I said I got support from too many places a grant provider would think I did not need their support.  On the contrary, I learned from your course that shows support and sustainability.  I learned many things like that.  

I recently received a $50,000 grant from Centura for sensory gym items, Smartboards, and an AED!  This was exciting and what keeps me going. 

- Lorri Avery, board member, Real Life Colorado


One client went from not having grant program to raising $150,000 on an annual basis. 


Another raised 3 grants totaling $55,000 after one month in the program.


One client raised $70,000 for his program. 


A participant raised $22,000 towards a capital project.

Here's what you get:


On-demand video instruction developed by a Grant Certified Professional and a Grant Professionals Association Approved Trainer. ($5,000 value)

An accompanying workbook with detailed information to help you navigate the course.  ($2,000 value)

Tips on how to use your time effectively by only going after proposals that are a good fit. 

Coaching through your grant needs and your language.

A breakdown of everything you need to write a grant from nuts to bolts. 

A new method to earn more money for your cause. 

A new skill for your current organization OR EVEN your own grant writing business. 

Hours can be used towards your Grant Professionals Certification.

Four CFRE credits 

Four months of a 24/7 online community filled with like-minded people that can be a resource for questions and connection. Even submit your work for feedback.  ($2,000 value)

Four months of group calls to work through your grant program. The calls take place at 10 a.m. MT on the second Wednesday of each month.  ($2,000 value)

A year in the Fundraising League ($697 value)

Course access to the Sponsorship Guide, Giving Day Jumpstart, Letter of Inquiry Mini Course and the Intro to Grant Research Workshop ($430 value)


Total value over $12,000 value for $697 $497 until May 21st. 

Here's what to expect:


The Intro to Grant Writing Workshop puts all the pieces together by breaking down how to conduct research and how to determine your ask amount. It walks you through all the common elements in a grant proposal - step by step. We will dive into what funders are looking for and how to phrase your proposal in a way that will stand out. 


It provides you with a method to win grants, time and time again.


Here's what we'll cover: 


  • "Grant-readiness"
  • Determine your ask
  • Effective research to only go after the funders likely to fund you.
  • Determine your ask amount
  • Letters of inquiry
  • Your evergreen grant language including all the common elements in a grant proposal
  • Grant attachments
  • Program budget development
  • Tips for success
  • What to do after the grant

Join the Workshop

Start earning additional revenue and making more of an impact for your organization.

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